6 May 2015

The Mighty Church Crusader

The Mighty Church Crusader

A Crusade….
Any vigorous, aggressive movement for the defense or advancement of  an idea, cause, etc.” (According to Dictionary.com). Synonyms for crusader can be ‘activist’, ‘advocate’ or ‘campaigner’ and they all basically mean the same thing – aggressively fighting for a cause or an issue that is tangled up in some sort of a dispute. And unfortunately, this aggressive fighting usually include the trampling of all who are not in agreement with said cause or issue.

 The Church Crusader: Fighting for the Cause!
Are you a Church crusader? A Church activist? (Is there and should there actually be something or someone like that?) Sometimes I think we end up being Church activists or crusaders without even realizing it. For it usually starts when we are very passionate about our faith – which is not a bad thing! It becomes an issue when our excitement for what we feel is important clouds our judgement of what is actually important to God. And this excitement or conviction for this cause escalates to the point where you are of opinion that God is incapable to look after His own Church and is thus in dire need of a mighty warrior that has to fight His fights for Him. “Don’t worry Lord! I’m coming! Let me just buckle on the sword with which I shall smite all Thine enemies! (Or those who refuse to join me…!)”

We have many Church crusaders in our Christian community. Each with their own agenda, favorite doctrine (and whatever other hobby-horse is preferred) and this issue is always much more important than any other at hand. And sure enough… at every church meeting, every planning committee, and each and every discussion forum (and even at social gatherings) … lo and behold our Church crusaders will arrive spiritually dressed in their suits of Armour – sword and dagger in hand – quite convinced that they are the valiant knights of the Lord chosen for some top secret mission! Which usually entails the mass genocide of all the unworthy and generally useless people that pollute the church and the elimination of all the ‘unclean’ and worthless thinking that, in their thought, prohibit the growth of the church and delays the coming of the Lord.

The fact remains that there are far too many Christians that harbor this peculiar idea that if they are not actively engaged in some sort of battle - fighting a holy war inside the church - they are not living up to the standards of true Christendom. The pure and beautiful mission that was given by God in Mathew 28:19-20 is apparently not exciting enough. Simply going out and befriending people? Ridiculous! Then merely telling them of the wonderful gift of salvation? Ludicrous! Basically just introducing people to Jesus and then watch as the Holy Spirit fills them with joy and wonder? Preposterous! What is the fun in that?! WE NEED SOME ACTION! SOMETHING TO FIGHT FOR! And so is born the mighty Church crusader…. Tongue as sharp as a razor blade; eyes that are able to determine the version of the Bible you are using from a 100 meter distance, and a dissecting mind that apparently has received the ‘God-given’ ability/talent to ascertain the real and obviously devious motives of all the unwelcome add-on's in the church.

These people get extremely annoyed when they are confronted by those who do not want to engage with them in their ‘holy wars’. And this has been one of the most challenging trails I have yet had to endure. For I am not a crusader and their are some who refuse to accept that. Yes, I am a women with a theology degree, a lay minister and pastoral counselor. I work for the Lord because He has called me to do so. It is a mission ... not a crusade. I do nor waste my time with man-made, heavy suites of Armour. They are an incredible burden to bear. I do not want to fight for myself. I do not want to prove myself. I do not intend to get caught up in feminist movements or any campaigns for the rights of whoever. It is not my objective, it is not my goal and it most definitely is not my call. Kindly accept the fact that this woman is simply toiling in the Lords vineyard because He asked her to do so and because I love Him and His children dearly! It is my humble opinion that no one is worthy to stand in the service of the Lord anyway. We are all sinners declared unclean by our own sorrowful fallen state. But God, purely out of love, has looked beyond our pitiful shortcomings and granted us an undeserved invitation to serve in His Royal court. 

Oh, and how I dream to humbly serve my Lord and bring honor and joyful praise to Him every chance I can get! Yet, with every special event organised our crusaders are there to determine if it actually falls on the historically correct date or if a proper Christian is supposed to engage with the rest of ‘the world’ in this feast or festivities. And so another year will pass and again precious opportunities to simply just give thanks to the Lord or praise Him for all He has done will be lost.  I am convinced that Satan is persuading us to rather spend hours analyzing every motive to worship than to keep us from actually spending time in actual worship!  In our Church crusades we are in danger of being imprisoned by the man-made rule books and loosing out on the blessings of a child-like religion. But the greatest danger of all is that a Church crusader will eventually adapt the character of nothing more than a mere mercenary soldier. Tough but utterly lonely. For a church crusader becomes mean within their isolation and at times even ruthless in their tactics. And the victims that lies slain in the battlefields of their wars are simply regarded as ‘unfortunate but necessary fatalities for the good of the cause.’

But Christ has an interesting definition of the person that has had an encounter with Him and we find that precious truth in John 7:37-38: “On the last and most important day of the festival, Jesus stood up and shouted, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink! The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have rivers of living water flowing from his heart." Did you get it? Jesus presented Himself as the Living Water that is freely available to all those that thirst. But behold what happens to those that have quenched their thirst from His River: “The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have rivers of living water flowing from his heart!” When you have tasted the living waters rushing from the heart of our Savior, you yourself will become a fountain filled with the ability to rejuvenate a thirsty soul! Streams of living water flowing from your own heart! Imagine - you will become a branch from the main River streaming life into a wilderness – a portion of a parched world could be nurtured back to life by Jesus through you… what a humbling thought.

So we return to the original question – are you a crusader in God’s church? Then with no disrespect intended I have to inform you that God does not need you as His personal bodyguard. He has no use for Church crusaders. He has called us to become disciples who with total surrender have submitted all of themselves to Him; for service – not for war. Therefore the servant seek the face of his/her Master daily for strength and guidance. We have received the mission in Mathew 28:19-20 and our mission is not unclear. It is a grand and glorious task! The only difference is that within your own personal church crusade you might get your own name highlighted on everybody’s lips, TV screens or DVD covers. But with the mission in Mathew 28:19-20 there will be no honor and glory coming your way – it will be God’s Name that will be emphasized and the praises and joy will be sung to Him and Him alone.

Dear crusader,
There is only one celebrity in the church and that is Jesus Christ! And He is very capable to fight His own battles. Remove your sword and throw away your dagger. I know that I am only a woman... but wouldn't you join me as a mere servant of the Most High God and return to the simple gospel commission. And it is guaranteed that your joy will be multiplied as you find the rest and peace that surpasses all understanding.

1Peter 4:11Whoever speaks must speak God's words. Whoever serves must serve with the strength that God supplies, so that in every way God may be glorified through Jesus, the Messiah. Glory and power belong to him forever and ever! Amen.” 

May we all find rest in our Lord,

Your fellow servant

Roné F.

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