9 July 2015

Incognito - Declaration of a woman called by God.

Incognito – Declaration
of woman called by God.

It was about 3 o'clock this morning when I awoke and switched on my tablet to see if the vote on women’s ordination have been finalized … It is a NO vote. I closed the device and turned on my side… huddling close to my sleeping husband. But the tears did came. In the dark I turned my heart to the Lord and asked Him to help me understand and to help me accept. I share my answer that I have received from Him with all women who know that they have been called into His ministry and are greatly filled with disappointment by this outcome of these events.

Firstly God made me realize that in fact my prayers were answered. For I prayed that His work must not be hindered and that His church must not be damaged in this whole process. In the stillness of the night God reminded me of every attack I had to endure in the preamble of this pending vote. I have been told by a Conference leader that I am not ‘pretty enough’ to be a pastor. After I have graduated it was said that I have now received the mark of the beast. And merely a few weeks ago a pastor’s wife told me that all attempts for equality have their roots in the rebellion Satan had in heaven –challenging God’s authority – wanting to be equal with the most High – and I in my attempt to have equality I will be ‘thrown out of heaven’ just as Satan and his angels were forever banned from the holy presence of God… it took some time to recover from that last remark….

But it was of all these things God reminded me off at 3 o’clock this morning and with this He made me understand that God had no choice but to allow this NO vote… for there are some of those that are opposed to women in ministry and the ordaining of women that would have ripped this church apart should the vote have been the other way around. The NO vote was a salvation of God’s church and of His people.

The second part of my answer from God is as follows: God do still call! And He do call women. But we as women will have to realize that we will serve Him incognito. We will toil in His Vineyard because we love Him and because we have a passion for souls… but we will do this without any recognition, without any titles and maybe with little or no support from humans…. And it will have to be enough for us. My sister in Christ you and I will have to consecrate ourselves to the calling we know we have received and rejoice in the knowledge that our Father in heaven will reward us when we get home!

I therefore declare once again that I did not accept His call to get worldly recognition. I accepted His call and I will be serving Him with every talent He has so graciously bestowed on me despite the fact that there will most likely not be a certificate hanging on my wall that says ‘ordained’. Like Karl Barth I will say: When Jesus entered Jerusalem he told His disciples to fetch a donkey for Him to ride on and if any one sees them taking it they should answer ‘God needs it’. May I have the privilege like the little donkey to be called upon and have the honor to carry my Messiah and His precious message at least part of the way! No one gave recognition to the little donkey as it rode into the city that day. They saw only Jesus! And that is the way it should be. Jesus could have simply walked the road Himself and yet He chose a humble vessel - in the eyes of the people it was nothing more than an object with a limited ‘functional’ purpose. But in the eyes of the Savior of the world it was found worthy enough to carry the light of the world into a lost city!

I love you Lord. Thank you that You have blessed Your church. Bless every worker that will be serving You ‘incognito’. Please call on more of them! For as they will not be burdened with spotlights and titles their efforts will speedily finish Your work. 

Your humble servant.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that blog. May God continue to strengthen your faith as you witness for him "behind the scenes". My prayers are with you. Tracy
